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About Us

The Grow Hive is a privately operated Early Childhood Intervention Practice, based on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, QLD. We offer a range of outcomes-based Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services to help you and your child build capacity and skills for life.
We use a holistic and developmental approach to address the global needs of your child, including:
daily living skills;
sensory needs;
physical (gross and fine motor);
language and communication;
cognitive skills (including school-readiness) and;
social & emotional wellbeing and development of your little one.
We don't specialize in a single area of development (ie. speech), rather we embrace the child as a whole person, while incorporating targeted strategies and goals to support their whole development. Most importantly, we aim to build the capacity of families and caregivers to help your child grow to reach their full potential.
Please check out this fantastic video, outlining the purpose of ECI and examples of best practice. This video illustrates the values and model that The Grow Hive strives to provide to your child and family.

We support you and your child in the most appropriate environment to suit their needs. This could be in your home (in person or virtual home visits), at Kindy or daycare, at the park or community settings, or at our Grow Hive venue.
Currently, we work with families of children who are aged from birth to six years, with plans to expand our services as we grow. Please click here to see our full range of services.
The Grow Hive is dedicated to diversity and has the privilege of supporting children with a variety of additional needs and diagnoses, including (but not limited to):
Autism and other neurodivergent needs
Global Developmental Delay
Speech and language delays
Cerebral Palsy
Genetic syndromes
Chromosomal abnormalities
Hearing difficulties
Sensory Processing needs
Learning difficulties
Self-regulation difficulties and other developmental needs.

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